Our Values
Balance. Evidence. Integrity. Truth. Empowerment.
With our core values at the heart of this work, we use data driven evidence-based practices to inform clinical care as we work with you as part of your collective team. We believe that children deserve access to their childhood and it is our collective job to create opportunity and access for them to thrive. We are intentional in our treatments and are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.
Evidence-based practice does not work unless balanced with both the integrity of the treatment and the truth of your own family values. As we work to bring children and teens access to their worlds, you, the caregiver, are at the center to balance and continue to deliver treatment at home. It is important that you feel equipped and empowered in this process. Our values are reflected in our work and we hope that you feel safe here to dive into treatment one step at a time.
A note from our Director, Eleanor Ezell, LCSW:
Thank you for allowing my team to help your child and your family. We love science and we love the sacred nature of this work. Our team is deeply aware of how hard it is to ask for help as a parent. Thank you for letting us in and allowing us the privilege of doing this work together.
We win, when you win! Our job is to support the process of “giving our children their childhood back” and it is our privilege to walk along side you as we use science and evidence-based practice to support your family.
We are people first, and therapists second. With this dynamic, we can meet you where you are and bring our humanness with us as we use the best of evidence-based practice to support your child and family. We build safe spaces to learn and grow together with values at the center of our work together. Your values and goals will be in the driver seat when you are with us.
See you in clinic soon!
Eleanor Ezell, LCSW
Founder and Clinical Director
Child and Family Therapy Collective is a practice based in Nashville, TN offering in-person and telehealth and concierge care treatment formats.
We currently serve patients in these states: Tennessee (in person and virtual), Mississippi (virtual), Ohio (virtual)