Parent / Caregiver Name
First Name
Last Name
City, State you are located in (we have clinicians licensed across the country)
Child / Patient Name
First Name
Last Name
Age of Child / Patient
Under 2
Age 2-4
5-7 years old
8-10 years old
11-15 years
Late teen / Adult (SM Only)
My child / the patient is struggling with these things below (check all that apply)
Big emotions
Defiance / Oppositional behavior
Difficulty listening
School refusal (difficult getting to school, can be for many reasons)
Selective Mutism
Social engagement
Speech and Language
Other related behaviors
Obsessive Compulsive behaviors
Request Treatment Type
Check the appropriate types of treatment you have been recommended to participate in.
Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Selective Mutism Treatment (PCIT-SM and SM Therapy)
Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE)
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Parent Management Training (PMT)
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Therapy
Psychological Testing
Speech and Language Testing
General Referral for Services
I am not sure what we need yet and know my consultation all will help me learn more!
If referred to a specific therapist, check their name here:
Eleanor Ezell, LCSW
Andrew Rozsa, PhD
Kristin Mathis, MS, CCC-SLP
Charlotte Keeney, LCSW
General Referral to CFTC
Session Times
I understand that afternoon session times are limited and some sessions may have to occur during the school day.
I understand sessions may be during the school day.
Referral source
Name of referring provider or individual:
Insurance acknowledgement.
Child and Family Therapy Collective does not accept insurance or participate in any insurance plans. Payment is accepted in cash/credit card at the time of treatment. We do offer superbills for you to submit for out-of-network reimbursement.
I understand that CFTC does not accept insurance.
Membership Model
I acknowledge that CFTC functions with a membership model. Additional information will be provided to me before treatment begins.
I understand that CFTC bills monthly.
Patient Relationship
Completion of this form does not constitute a confidential relationship. Clinical care begins at the intake session.
I understand clinical care does not begin until an intake session occurs.
Communication Acknowledgement
By completing this form, I understand that CFTC will communicate with my via email regarding services.
I understand that CFTC will communicate via email for services.
Email List
Our newsletter includes information about events, tips and tricks, and other content.
We recommend the email list for all families as we announce upcoming group and learning opportunities here.
Would you like to be added to our email list to receive our newsletter?
Yes, I want to receive emails.
No, I do not want to receive emails.
How did you hear about us?
Google Search
PCIT Provider List (
Selective Mutism Association Provider List (selective
Professional / Pediatrician
Friend / Parent / Previous patient
School / Teacher
Instagram / Social Media